Scrap paper exports down heavily in 2020


By Ken McEntee

U.S. scrap paper exports last year decreased by 13 percent, or almost 2.5 million short tons compared to 2019, according to trade data from the International Trade Commission (ITC). Exports totaled 15.8 million tons in 2020 compared to about 18.3 million tons in 2019.

Recovered paper exports

Source: The Paper Stock Report / International Trade Commission

While shipments of old corrugated containers (OCC) saw the heaviest decrease in terms of tonnage – more than 1.1 million tons – pulp subs took the heaviest hit in terms of percentage, dropping by 41 percent. Pulp subs and mixed paper each saw a 21 percent drop in dollar value of the tonnage shipped – the largest of any grade category.

While tonnage declined last year, the average FAS price of the shipments was up $9 per ton – or 6 percent – compared to 2019, to $155.13 per short ton. The average OCC price during the year was up $10 per ton, to $142.03 per ton, while pulp subs saw the largest gain – 35 percent, or $62 per ton, to an average of $240.60 per ton.

China down 1.1 million tons

Exports to China, which were banned by the Chinese government after the end of 2020, dropped 18 percent – or almost 1.1 million tons – during 2020, to a total of 4.8 million tons. That contrasted with an annual high of almost 15 million tons in 2015. During 2015, the U.S. shipped 8 million tons of OCC alone to China – a number that decreased to 3.5 million tons last year.

Exports to India, the next largest market, were down 28 percent, or 920,000 tons in 2020, for a total of almost 2.4 million tons. As China placed restrictions, and eventually a complete ban on imported scrap paper, India was frequently mentioned as a market that would pick up some of the displaced tonnage.

The largest growth was in exports to Malaysia. Shipments to that market improved by about 183,000 tons, or 92 percent, for a total of about 383,000 tons. Shipments to Singapore were up by about 109,000 tons, from about 2,300 tons, a gain of 4,579 percent. Vietnam was another significant growth market, pulling in almost 1.4 million tons, a gain of about 169,000 tons, or 14 percent, compared to 2019.

OCC exports

During its peak years, China typically accounted for around half of all U.S. OCC exports. In 2020, it made up about 36 percent, while the next two largest markets – Vietnam and India – made up about 25 percent.

OCC exports to China last year – which were restricted to double-sorted No. 12 OCC – totaled about 3.5 million tons, an 18 percent decline, or about 787,000 tons. Vietnam imported about 1.3 million tons – a 17 percent gain – for an improvement of about 185,000 tons. OCC exports to India were down 29 percent, or about 429,000 tons, for a total of just more than 1 million tons.

Exports to major markets Indonesia and Thailand also were down sharply in 2020, while shipments to Malaysia, Singapore and Mexico saw substantial increases. Laos, which never imported a ton of OCC from the U.S. before 2019, became the 16th largest market in the world last year, pulling in about 35,000 tons, up 245 percent compared to 2019. Meanwhile, OCC exports to Saudi Arabia plummeted 81 percent last year, from about 79,000 tons in 2019 to about 15,000 tons, representing one of the largest year-to-year declines for OCC. Another was a 96 percent drop in shipments to Guatemala, from about 33,000 tons in 2019 to about 1,300 tons.

Overall, OCC exports dropped 11 percent, or about 1.1 million tons, to about 9.6 million tons last year, compared to about 10.8 million tons in 2019.

Chemical deinking grades

Mexico, the dominant market for U.S. deinking grade exports, increased its buying by 16 percent relative to 2019. Mexico mills imported more than 750,000 tons of deinking grade fiber, a gain of more than 101,000 tons.

That improvement nearly offset reduced buying from Canada and India.

Deinking grade exports to Canada dropped 23 percent, or about 23,000 tons, to almost 79,000 tons, while shipments to India were down 60 percent, or almost 84,000 tons, to a total of almost 57,000 tons.

South Korea was the third largest market for deinking grades, with a heavy 273 percent gain from about 18,000 tons in 2019 to more than 67,000 tons in 2020.

Deinking grade shipments to Indonesia, a reasonably significant market in 2019, were down 71 percent, or almost 12,000 tons, to a total of less than 5,000 tons in 2020.

Overall, exports of deinking grades in 2020 fell a scant 47 tons below the total for 2019, a statistical dead heat.

Pulp subs

All major markets for pulp substitutes saw significant reductions in U.S. imports in 2020 relative to 2019. Overall, exports of pulp subs were down 41 percent, or nearly a half million tons in 2020.

Pulp subs exports to India, the largest market for the grade, were down 42 percent, or about 202,000 tons, to a total of almost 275,000 tons. Exports to Mexico were down 55 percent, of about 162,000 tons, to a total of about 135,000 tons. The United Arab Emirates, the third largest market for pulp subs, imported almost 63,000 tons, a 29 percent decline compared to 2019. Exports to Saudi Arabia made up more than half that decline, improving its import from 292 tons in 2019 to almost 15,000 tons last year.

Old newspapers

China, which was, for a long time the dominant market for old newspapers (ONP), dropped to the fourth position in 2020 due to a decline of almost 147,000 tons, or 65 percent, for a total of about 80,000 tons – down from 227,000 tons in 2019.

The largest market for ONP last year was South Korea, which increased its buying by 37 percent, or about 45,400 tons, to a total of about 170,000 tons. Exports to Mexico, the next largest ONP market, were down 12 percent, or about 16,000 tons, for a total of about 121,000 tons. Exports to Indonesia were up 44 percent, or about 33,400 tons, for a total of about 109,000 tons.

Overall, U.S. exports of old newspapers were down 18 percent in 2020, to about 638,000 tons.


Despite a 16 percent reduction in imports of U.S. groundwood grades other than ONP, China remained the dominant market for the category last year. Of a total of about 1.6 million tons, more than 1 million tons went to China. That, however, marked a drop of 16 percent, or about 208,000 tons compared to 2019. Thailand became the second largest market for groundwood in 2020, surpassing Canada, Taiwan and South Korea. Exports to Thailand were up 441 percent, or about 188,000 tons, to a total of about 231,000 tons.

Exports to Canada dropped by 40 percent, or about 52,000 tons, to a total of about 78,000 tons, while exports to South Korea dropped by 62 percent, or about 84,000 tons, to a total of about 52,000 tons.

Exports to Taiwan improved by 10 percent, to about 63,000 tons.

Overall, groundwood grade exports were down 6 percent compared to 2019.

Mixed paper

Despite an 18 percent reduction in mixed paper exports to India, that nation remained by far the largest market for the grade last year. Mixed paper exports to India were down by almost 200,000 tons, to a total of about 930,000 tons. Canada was the next largest market, at about 277,000 tons, a gain of 4 percent.

Despite a ban on mixed paper imports, China found a way to bring in about 149,000 tons of the grade, almost double its take in 2019.

Mixed paper exports to sizeable markets Indonesia and South Korea were down significantly in 2020. Exports to South Korea were down by more than half, from about 191,000 tons in 2019 to about 88,000 tons in 2020. Exports to Indonesia were down from about 208,000 tons in 2019 to 42,000 tons in 2020 – an 80 percent reduction.

Overall, mixed paper exports were down 21 percent, or more than a half million tons, last year, to a total of about 2.1 million tons.

Following are the U.S. exports to each global market in 2019 and 2020, by grade:

OCC Year 2019 Year 2020 Difference Change
China 4,282,674 3,495,940 -786,734 -18%
Vietnam 1,117,540 1,302,819 185,280 17%
India 1,483,829 1,054,653 -429,176 -29%
Taiwan 793,368 824,252 30,884 4%
South Korea 604,492 550,498 -53,994 -9%
Canada 363,341 408,804 45,463 13%
Mexico 239,712 383,400 143,688 60%
Malaysia 101,886 345,970 244,083 240%
Indonesia 667,468 335,335 -332,133 -50%
Thailand 375,887 297,334 -78,552 -21%
Singapore 2,372 110,436 108,064 4557%
Burma 101,440 66,250 -35,190 -35%
Netherlands 35,279 55,684 20,405 58%
Ecuador 39,485 49,840 10,355 26%
Germany 38,280 44,145 5,865 15%
Laos 10,002 34,459 24,456 245%
Japan 53,090 31,450 -21,640 -41%
Spain 28,218 28,896 678 2%
Italy 54,779 27,603 -27,176 -50%
Colombia 49,822 27,504 -22,318 -45%
Chile 10,236 19,191 8,955 87%
Turkey 9,567 18,018 8,451 88%
Saudi Arabia 79,308 14,918 -64,390 -81%
Pakistan 26,264 14,616 -11,648 -44%
El Salvador 3,724 10,077 6,354 171%
Argentina 29,686 9,777 -19,909 -67%
Brazil 12,551 8,665 -3,886 -31%
Hong Kong 2,679 8,586 5,907 221%
Philippines 13,499 6,456 -7,043 -52%
United Kingdom 16,024 4,749 -11,275 -70%
Paraguay 224 4,510 4,286 1910%
Peru 14,033 3,384 -10,649 -76%
Bangladesh 8,072 2,428 -5,644 -70%
United Arab Em 14,070 2,253 -11,817 -84%
Trin & Tobago 8,295 1,953 -6,343 -76%
Egypt 11,546 1,390 -10,155 -88%
Ghana 0 1,366 1,366 #DIV/0!
Dominican Rep 4,006 1,307 -2,699 -67%
Guatemala 32,542 1,284 -31,259 -96%
Austria 0 1,155 1,155 #DIV/0!
Belgium 2,922 1,102 -1,819 -62%
Finland 210 735 525 250%
Russia 1,772 571 -1,201 -68%
Australia 2,830 502 -2,329 -82%
Djibouti 0 493 493 #DIV/0!
Lebanon 0 295 295 #DIV/0!
Nigeria 2,838 292 -2,547 -90%
New Zealand 0 272 272 #DIV/0!
Denmark 266 261 -6 -2%
Venezuela 429 221 -208 -48%
Panama 206 216 10 5%
Norway 0 204 204 #DIV/0!
South Africa 781 161 -620 -79%
Honduras 0 139 139 #DIV/0!
Bolivia 0 124 124 #DIV/0!
Belarus 0 83 83 #DIV/0!
Ireland 21 83 62 295%
Christmas Is 0 74 74 #DIV/0!
Oman 146 74 -73 -50%
Costa Rica 1,134 47 -1,087 -96%
France 0 19 19 #DIV/0!
Anguilla 803 0 -803 -100%
Greece 23 0 -23 -100%
Kenya 341 0 -341 -100%
Latvia 307 0 -307 -100%
Morocco 50 0 -50 -100%
Qatar 78 0 -78 -100%
Sri Lanka 949 0 -949 -100%
Sweden 376 0 -376 -100%
Switzerland 146 0 -146 -100%
Tanzania 117 0 -117 -100%
Uruguay 22 0 -22 -100%
TOTAL 10,756,054 9,617,314 -1,138,740 -11%
Mexico 649,914 751,281 101,367 16%
Canada 101,762 78,865 -22,898 -23%
South Korea 18,075 67,476 49,401 273%
India 140,317 56,692 -83,625 -60%
Colombia 46,676 46,519 -157 0%
Netherlands 29,348 36,438 7,090 24%
Italy 62,689 34,615 -28,074 -45%
China 2,477 12,439 9,962 402%
Guatemala 2,114 10,883 8,769 415%
El Salvador 13,091 8,125 -4,967 -38%
Turkey 1,756 7,833 6,078 346%
Chile 10,567 7,707 -2,860 -27%
Peru 1,610 7,442 5,831 362%
Spain 1,874 7,314 5,440 290%
Vietnam 4,238 5,023 784 19%
Indonesia 16,822 4,901 -11,922 -71%
Taiwan 4,378 3,424 -954 -22%
Japan 2,658 3,340 682 26%
Ecuador 2,982 2,892 -90 -3%
Germany 980 2,829 1,849 189%
United Arab Em 6,837 2,159 -4,677 -68%
Thailand 8,779 1,767 -7,013 -80%
Ghana 94 1,756 1,662 1778%
Pakistan 3,165 1,272 -1,893 -60%
United Kingdom 733 1,079 347 47%
Belgium 7,260 815 -6,445 -89%
Argentina 281 737 457 163%
Dominican Rep 1,051 642 -408 -39%
Egypt 5,710 630 -5,080 -89%
Saudi Arabia 5,415 571 -4,844 -89%
Bangladesh 244 450 206 84%
Austria 0 204 204 #DIV/0!
Brazil 1,762 185 -1,577 -90%
South Africa 1,166 113 -1,053 -90%
Honduras 0 109 109 #DIV/0!
Latvia 866 108 -758 -88%
Tunisia 163 76 -87 -53%
Sierra Leone 0 70 70 #DIV/0!
Panama 0 55 55 #DIV/0!
Kenya 157 41 -117 -74%
Malaysia 108 25 -83 -77%
Uruguay 0 21 21 #DIV/0!
Br Indian O Ter 48 0 -48 -100%
Bulgaria 42 0 -42 -100%
Cen African Rep 1,070 0 -1,070 -100%
Djibouti 827 0 -827 -100%
Lithuania 175 0 -175 -100%
Nicaragua 23 0 -23 -100%
Philippines 8,182 0 -8,182 -100%
Sweden 55 0 -55 -100%
Switzerland 426 0 -426 -100%
TOTAL 1,168,967 1,168,919 -47 0%
Pulp subs
India 476,687 274,417 -202,270 -42%
Mexico 296,894 134,552 -162,342 -55%
United Arab Em 87,946 62,614 -25,332 -29%
Canada 64,441 51,255 -13,187 -20%
Netherlands 63,452 28,457 -34,995 -55%
China 33,152 26,996 -6,156 -19%
Italy 29,127 16,644 -12,483 -43%
Saudi Arabia 292 14,565 14,274 4897%
Japan 16,564 13,497 -3,067 -19%
Chile 9,895 11,101 1,207 12%
Peru 6,150 9,799 3,649 59%
Pakistan 2,224 9,211 6,987 314%
South Korea 15,248 7,667 -7,581 -50%
El Salvador 10,277 5,926 -4,352 -42%
Ecuador 1,577 4,645 3,068 194%
Colombia 14,439 4,601 -9,837 -68%
Spain 1,218 2,660 1,442 118%
Bangladesh 0 2,438 2,438 #DIV/0!
United Kingdom 1,163 2,221 1,058 91%
Indonesia 15,233 1,448 -13,785 -90%
Israel 559 832 273 49%
Vietnam 3,286 811 -2,475 -75%
Turkey 4,147 645 -3,502 -84%
Ireland 635 627 -8 -1%
Taiwan 1,946 396 -1,550 -80%
Australia 282 339 57 20%
Philippines 1,615 293 -1,322 -82%
Czech Republic 200 217 17 8%
Denmark 235 200 -35 -15%
Guatemala 4,890 183 -4,707 -96%
Bahrain 0 138 138 #DIV/0!
Malaysia 1,569 109 -1,460 -93%
Germany 750 99 -651 -87%
Switzerland 0 97 97 #DIV/0!
Thailand 5,790 81 -5,709 -99%
Argentina 1,725 78 -1,647 -95%
New Zealand 0 21 21 #DIV/0!
Belgium 705 0 -705 -100%
Brazil 226 0 -226 -100%
Dominican Rep 98 0 -98 -100%
Egypt 134 0 -134 -100%
Finland 62 0 -62 -100%
Iceland 187 0 -187 -100%
Kenya 102 0 -102 -100%
Panama 111 0 -111 -100%
Qatar 292 0 -292 -100%
Russia 22 0 -22 -100%
Togo 21 0 -21 -100%
Uruguay 1,406 0 -1,406 -100%
TOTAL 1,176,971 689,877 -487,094 -41%
South Korea 124,247 169,646 45,399 37%
Mexico 136,976 120,597 -16,379 -12%
Indonesia 75,957 109,357 33,399 44%
China 227,102 80,538 -146,564 -65%
India 50,448 49,816 -633 -1%
Canada 30,346 24,785 -5,561 -18%
Vietnam 17,101 16,536 -564 -3%
Thailand 30,327 10,485 -19,842 -65%
United Kingdom 12,467 10,192 -2,276 -18%
El Salvador 1,441 9,257 7,816 542%
Malaysia 38,127 8,190 -29,938 -79%
Colombia 4,937 6,127 1,190 24%
Germany 4,833 5,542 708 15%
Chile 304 3,147 2,844 937%
Taiwan 937 2,332 1,395 149%
Pakistan 516 1,511 996 193%
United Arab Em 1,518 1,459 -59 -4%
Spain 851 906 55 6%
Netherlands 983 873 -110 -11%
Argentina 4,462 856 -3,606 -81%
Italy 904 776 -129 -14%
Ecuador 713 724 11 2%
Philippines 4,942 613 -4,330 -88%
Guatemala 190 550 360 189%
Peru 363 540 177 49%
Japan 191 459 267 140%
Switzerland 879 449 -430 -49%
Australia 174 334 161 92%
Costa Rica 119 330 211 178%
Latvia 136 293 156 115%
Turkey 149 264 116 78%
Saudi Arabia 235 220 -15 -7%
Belgium 107 165 58 55%
Singapore 0 119 119 #DIV/0!
Panama 0 77 77 #DIV/0!
Venezuela 0 30 30 #DIV/0!
Hong Kong 34 12 -22 -65%
Belize 190 0 -190 -100%
Brazil 1,173 0 -1,173 -100%
Dominican Rep 23 0 -23 -100%
Egypt 553 0 -553 -100%
TOTAL 774,957 638,105 -136,852 -18%
China 1,267,212 1,058,291 -208,921 -16%
Thailand 42,633 230,465 187,833 441%
Canada 129,730 77,666 -52,064 -40%
Taiwan 57,473 62,999 5,526 10%
South Korea 136,118 51,809 -84,310 -62%
United Kingdom 0 33,606 33,606 #DIV/0!
Indonesia 1,188 28,084 26,896 2264%
Mexico 10,775 13,941 3,167 29%
India 15,608 9,420 -6,188 -40%
Vietnam 2,134 8,815 6,681 313%
Netherlands 2,684 5,132 2,448 91%
Guatemala 11,366 4,084 -7,282 -64%
Italy 1,228 3,684 2,456 200%
Japan 4,517 3,012 -1,505 -33%
Chile 5,259 2,143 -3,116 -59%
Germany 264 1,948 1,684 638%
El Salvador 3,346 1,225 -2,121 -63%
Pakistan 0 803 803 #DIV/0!
Colombia 1,091 750 -341 -31%
Malaysia 201 537 336 167%
Dominican Rep 1,355 457 -899 -66%
Belize 1,088 275 -813 -75%
France 195 267 73 37%
United Arab Em 0 188 188 #DIV/0!
Belgium 0 26 26 #DIV/0!
Ecuador 1,986 22 -1,964 -99%
Argentina 9 0 -9 -100%
Costa Rica 501 0 -501 -100%
Hong Kong 396 0 -396 -100%
Peru 327 0 -327 -100%
Saudi Arabia 3,564 0 -3,564 -100%
TOTAL 1,702,246 1,599,651 -102,595 -6%
India 1,129,112 930,358 -198,754 -18%
Canada 265,493 276,618 11,125 4%
China 75,337 148,927 73,590 98%
Thailand 111,406 102,695 -8,711 -8%
Mexico 127,713 99,948 -27,765 -22%
South Korea 190,869 87,927 -102,941 -54%
Taiwan 137,044 62,766 -74,278 -54%
Pakistan 17,146 53,702 36,556 213%
Indonesia 207,671 42,070 -165,602 -80%
Argentina 28,279 37,551 9,272 33%
Malaysia 58,232 28,678 -29,554 -51%
Guatemala 3,227 27,268 24,041 745%
Vietnam 44,536 23,619 -20,917 -47%
Brazil 1,602 22,507 20,906 1305%
Netherlands 23,999 19,924 -4,074 -17%
Germany 40,442 17,962 -22,480 -56%
Saudi Arabia 36,902 17,863 -19,039 -52%
Colombia 26,034 14,155 -11,879 -46%
Chile 6,518 13,741 7,224 111%
El Salvador 11,077 11,862 785 7%
Ecuador 33,964 11,656 -22,308 -66%
Belgium 24,138 9,457 -14,682 -61%
Peru 8,593 7,784 -810 -9%
United Kingdom 3,592 6,216 2,625 73%
Spain 4,546 5,305 759 17%
Japan 13,943 4,805 -9,138 -66%
Italy 11,906 3,926 -7,981 -67%
United Arab Em 3,157 3,383 226 7%
Israel 4,863 3,204 -1,659 -34%
Philippines 737 2,420 1,683 228%
Costa Rica 2,995 1,636 -1,360 -45%
Dominican Rep 1,113 1,433 320 29%
Egypt 4,401 1,249 -3,153 -72%
France 0 1,063 1,063 #DIV/0!
Hong Kong 80 719 639 796%
Ghana 0 702 702 #DIV/0!
Bangladesh 1,598 683 -915 -57%
Burma 0 633 633 #DIV/0!
Singapore 0 402 402 #DIV/0!
Trin & Tobago 696 337 -360 -52%
Portugal 297 298 1 0%
Turkey 8,067 288 -7,779 -96%
Sri Lanka 23 163 140 605%
Lebanon 243 138 -106 -43%
Suriname 1,071 102 -969 -90%
Panama 136 28 -109 -80%
Albania 193 22 -171 -89%
Jamaica 0 22 22 #DIV/0!
Bahamas 0 3 3 #DIV/0!
Australia 898 0 -898 -100%
Austria 788 0 -788 -100%
Bolivia 964 0 -964 -100%
Djibouti 57 0 -57 -100%
Greece 147 0 -147 -100%
Honduras 547 0 -547 -100%
Nigeria 686 0 -686 -100%
Russia 118 0 -118 -100%
Tunisia 149 0 -149 -100%
Ukraine 99 0 -99 -100%
Uruguay 899 0 -899 -100%
Venezuela 15 0 -15 -100%
TOTAL 2,678,355 2,108,215 -570,140 -21%
GRAND TOTAL 18,257,549 15,822,081 -2,435,468 -13%
All Grades Year 2019 Year 2020
China 5,887,954 4,823,130 (1,064,823) -18%
India 3,296,000 2,375,355 (920,645) -28%
Mexico 1,461,985 1,503,720 41,735 3%
Vietnam 1,188,834 1,357,623 168,790 14%
Taiwan 995,146 956,170 (38,976) -4%
South Korea 1,089,050 935,024 (154,025) -14%
Canada 955,112 917,992 (37,121) -4%
Thailand 574,822 642,828 68,006 12%
Indonesia 984,339 521,193 (463,146) -47%
Malaysia 200,123 383,508 183,385 92%
Netherlands 155,746 146,508 (9,238) -6%
Singapore 2,372 110,956 108,584 4579%
Colombia 142,999 99,657 (43,342) -30%
Italy 160,633 87,248 (73,385) -46%
Pakistan 49,314 81,115 31,801 64%
Germany 85,549 72,525 (13,024) -15%
United Arab Em 113,528 72,056 (41,472) -37%
Ecuador 80,706 69,779 (10,927) -14%
Burma 101,440 66,882 (34,558) -34%
United Kingdom 33,978 58,062 24,085 71%
Chile 42,777 57,030 14,253 33%
Japan 90,962 56,562 (34,400) -38%
Argentina 64,440 48,998 (15,442) -24%
Saudi Arabia 125,716 48,137 (77,579) -62%
El Salvador 42,956 46,472 3,516 8%
Spain 36,708 45,081 8,373 23%
Guatemala 54,330 44,252 (10,078) -19%
Laos 10,002 34,459 24,456 245%
Brazil 17,313 31,357 14,044 81%
Peru 31,076 28,948 (2,129) -7%
Turkey 23,685 27,048 3,363 14%
Belgium 35,132 11,565 (23,566) -67%
Philippines 28,975 9,781 (19,194) -66%
Hong Kong 3,189 9,317 6,128 192%
Bangladesh 9,914 5,998 (3,916) -39%
Paraguay 224 4,510 4,286 1910%
Israel 5,422 4,036 (1,386) -26%
Dominican Rep 7,646 3,839 (3,807) -50%
Ghana 94 3,824 3,730 3989%
Egypt 22,344 3,269 (19,075) -85%
Trin & Tobago 8,991 2,289 (6,702) -75%
Costa Rica 4,749 2,013 (2,736) -58%
Austria 788 1,359 571 72%
France 195 1,349 1,154 593%
Australia 4,183 1,175 (3,009) -72%
Finland 272 735 463 170%
Ireland 656 710 54 8%
Russia 1,912 571 (1,341) -70%
Switzerland 1,451 546 (905) -62%
Djibouti 884 493 (392) -44%
Denmark 502 461 (41) -8%
Lebanon 243 432 189 78%
Latvia 1,309 400 (909) -69%
Panama 453 375 (78) -17%
Portugal 297 298 1 0%
New Zealand 293 293 #DIV/0!
Nigeria 3,524 292 (3,233) -92%
Belize 1,278 275 (1,003) -78%
South Africa 1,947 274 (1,673) -86%
Venezuela 444 251 (194) -44%
Honduras 547 248 (299) -55%
Czech Republic 200 217 17 8%
Norway 204 204 #DIV/0!
Sri Lanka 972 163 (810) -83%
Bahrain 138 138 #DIV/0!
Bolivia 964 124 (839) -87%
Suriname 1,071 102 (969) -90%
Belarus 83 83 #DIV/0!
Tunisia 311 76 (235) -76%
Christmas Is 74 74 #DIV/0!
Oman 146 74 (73) -50%
Sierra Leone 70 70 #DIV/0!
Kenya 601 41 (560) -93%
Albania 193 22 (171) -89%
Jamaica 22 22 #DIV/0!
Uruguay 2,327 21 (2,306) -99%
Bahamas 3 3 #DIV/0!
Anguilla 803 (803) -100%
Br Indian O Ter 48 (48) -100%
Bulgaria 42 (42) -100%
Cen African Rep 1,070 (1,070) -100%
Greece 171 (171) -100%
Iceland 187 (187) -100%
Lithuania 175 (175) -100%
Morocco 50 (50) -100%
Nicaragua 23 (23) -100%
Qatar 370 (370) -100%
Sweden 431 (431) -100%
Tanzania 117 (117) -100%
Togo 21 (21) -100%
Ukraine 99 (99) -100%


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